Anime Neo: A Multiversal Playground for Epic Anime and Manga Storytelling has Arrived!
This isn’t just an adaptation; it’s a vibrant expansion, a canvas upon which you can paint tales of boundless heroism and fantastical adventure, all imbued with the electrifying spirit of anime!
Cowboy Bebop 2021 Live Action not so hot
Another swing and a miss from Netflix’s Anime Live Adaption of Cowboy Bebop It’s almost sad in a way. Great properties are being brought back to life and getting a good homage ala Ben Dun’s Warrior Nun, the… Read More
Comic and Sci-Fi small Conventions are the FUTURE!
As a fan of the industry, from Anime to Xenomorphs, we all have a craving for more. Not just the drive for getting gear that exclusive but meeting some of the content creators, actors and artists behind the works we love.