Fortnite v12.60 Update Lowdown
We’ve compiled some info on the newest Update for Fortnite for you!

On May 20th, 2020, Fortnites latest update went live. This patch included code corrections, bug fixes, new features, and some major changes that have not gone public yet. If you’ve logged on you’ll notice something a little “extra” about The Agency location. The Patch Notes have given us a good idea of what’s going down so far for v12.60:
Battle Royal Update Changes-
· Party Royal has been updated with the Grappler and the Jetpack (increase mobility for everyone)!
· Operation: Infiltration has had some added tweaking with a Spy Games Playlist with a nod back to Team Fortress 2 mechanics such as “Extract the intel case and protect your own”
· Dragacorn Glider animation has been updated and returned to the game
· Riot Control Baton Pixaxe error corrected so now it doesn’t prevent others from hearing you and being used as an exploit.
· Damage indicators fixed so they misread when sustaining hits from the wrong direction
· During Spectation mode you can now change your skin and items while visiting the shop while the game plays in the background
· There is a New HUD feature indicator that shows nearby gunfire within a specific range (not defined yet).

· The PC Controller Controversy and Nerf: Epic has announced that they’ll be changing the “Aim Assist” once the FNCS Finals are over which means there will be some mechanics and codewizardry put into play soon. In an official email they’ve said:
“Controller tweaking, tuning, and investigation continues. We have some changes for next steps, but we don’t want to release right before the FNCS Invitational Finals.”
· Battle Pass Ghost and Shadow variants for your characters will be removed once the season is over so be sure to clear your challenges list.
· New Challenges There has been a plethora of new challenges added that we’ve not got the full rundown yet but they should be public soon.
· New Styles There are a huge new slew of skins coming such as Slurp versions for Jonesy, Bandolette, Leviathan, and other styles like Noir for Siren and Wolf, in addition to some gun skins, a Spy Skin for Bachii, and a few other small cosmetics.
· Creative Mode Corrections The big seam on the middle of the island for mobile users has been identified.
· Quality of Life Issues
Ammo that was being consumed by a weapon being dropped then picked back up has been verified.
Exploding Deathboms should no longer do damage to an objective through buildings.
Black metal weapons calculation and self damage effects have been corrected during critical hits.
· General Issues to be addressed
Correction to the Midas’ Goldan Touch not changing items gold and people have found dropping the weapon then re-equipping it will get the effect to work.
The Mouse Lock Input Method function is currently not locking the input method.
Players can hear emotes played over the Main Stage music in Party Royal Mode
Server latency and drop issues are still causing a baseline problem that needs to be addressed and corrected.
With all these updates it’s looking to be an exciting few months. The corrections to PC Controller input is also looking like a great boon for those whom aren’t using it since the nerf was needed in the case of “Target Snapping” and the almost aimbot like feature causing a lot of grief for people not using said function.

The skins are also looking pretty slick and we’ll have to see what else comes out in the coming days! Get out there and have some fun and don’t forget to hammer out those challenges before the season’s up!
-R. Rankin