Is the force really with Obi Wan and what about Lando in IX?
Stirring news about the Stand-Alone Obi Wan film brought to the light and Lando confirmed for IX.

Obi Wan Kenobi may get his own film
Last month we talked about the shelving of the “Star Wars anthology” and “Stories”. However, we did touch on the Obi Wan film which, to our joy and begrudging dismay (oh the life of a true EU fan), has had some info leaked last week. In addition to that, Billy Dee Williams, has confirmed to rehash his role as Lando in Starwars Episode IX.

Billy as Lando
Billy has not played Lando on screen in a long time but he has done a few voice roles in video games and a few guest voice acting roles as his Roguish character in Star Wars: Rebels, which, keeps him as close to the role he played years ago as possible. Due to there being nearly no one left from the original trilogy alive both in character our out (bless thy name, Carrie Fisher) this would make Lando the last of the original crew to really carry the torch of the rebellion and pass it into the hands of the “kids”. The Hollywood Reporter confirmed this last Wednesday.
In addition to that sources like The Hollywood Reporter and ScyFyWire have been speculating as to the casting calls and whispers of initial photography for Obi Wan. Maybe because Casting agencies in both the USA and the UK have been combing their catalogs for folks for “2 Star Wars Projects yet to be named”. Script leaks for both Obi Wan and Episode IX are being squelched by Disney’s Lucasfulm legal department.

George Lucas, original Star Wars Creator.
Obi Wan won’t be the only possible revived “Story” to come back either it would seem. Lucasfilms has been juggling the IP license for more Star Wars video game titles. These remain to be verified but we can only hope for change to come with the fan outcries after “Solo” and the movement to “Remake Star Wars: The Last Jedi“.
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