Speculation for Warcraft: Shadowlands Lock-In
Rumors for the next World of Warcraft expansion has some folks on edge…
The Warcraft: Shadowlands preview is accessable over on Battlenet but there still isn’t a finite decision on weather or not “Once you go to the land of the dead you are stuck there” or if you can return to the home cities and the greater portion of Azeroth .
Developers have hinted to possibly “Locking Out” those whom travel into the expansion content from the earlier game content. However, this has been a subject of controversy for people whom enjoy the entire experience that WoW has to offer and which “Should be included if they are paying for it”.
No further comments have been released on the subject matter. However, many hard-core players say it will “Be great for immersion” while the more casual have been arguing over their favorite spots to frequent. The RPer community has a very heavy push-back on the matter insisting that “Shadowlands is NOT the place for many of the scenes they are currently engaging in.” with all that being said we won’t know until more information has been released.