Crunchyroll hit with charges of fraud
Crunchyroll drops the ball and commits fraud as a “Charity” while Producing “Religious” work…
For years, Crunchyroll, has paraded behind the banner of being “For anime fans, by anime fans” building themselves from a website with streaming content into an app on multiple streaming platforms, consoles, smart devices and the like. However, with their empire came greed. With that greed came a great lie to avoid paying taxes. “Crunchyroll is a charity”. This “Non-profit” was a ruse, a farce, a grim charade all intended to swindle those producing the anime and those watching the content. They’ve tried parading as a “Religious non-profit charity” with “the anime industry” as their supposed “religion”.
Now, I’m as peeved as any other fan without my share of moe waifus that such a sacred task as “obtaining the stream, getting the meme, ????, PROFIT!” would not be considered “RELIGIOUS” but to be perfectly honest, it was bullshit. California state Attorney General Xavier Becerra said “We first started investigating Crunchyroll when they announced Crunchyroll Expo” because they (Crunchyroll) would be profiting off holding an Anime Convention which would take income away from licensed anime. This, would not be in in the best interest of the “Non-profit” since there was no real justification behind spending money supposed to be donated to “the anime industry” in the name of their religion on the costs of hosting a convention.
Because of this the folks running the state of California, knowing what a cult looks like and the difference between that and a hustle of weeb trash trying to “desu” their way to profits and not pay a cent to the state, had to put out enforcement the company. The self-proclaimed “Otaku-Gods” of Crunchyroll were escorted off the property from their HQ, loaded into paddy wagons (possibly hugging their Shinji Dakumuris crying “Ikuuuu!”) and promptly charged one at a time for:
- Not donating 100% of profits to the charitable claimant.
- Paying “Writers” and authors for work not attributed to paying the charitable claimant.
- Using “Charitable funds” to produce a for-profit “american anime” known as High Guardian Spice
- Filing for a non-profit under the “religious” pretense while not actually a religious organization.
Calling Crunchyroll HQ rendered a “No Comment” from the operator and the state Attorney, Becerra was quoted “Crunchyroll’s behavior is a clear betrayal to its donors.” in closing with reporters. Diehard fans, like the writer of this article, never gave Crunchyroll a single red cent while buying figures, keychains, and merchandise from certified importers across the state to support the “anime industry” and I’ll be sure to stay that way. At least Hulu and Netflix give SOMETHING back the creators.
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